Belleville West Key Clubbers attending 68th Annual I I Key Club District Convention

Representatives from Key Clubs at the Belleville West High School and the Governor French Academy attended the 68th Annual I-I District Key Club Convention & Leadership Conference on March 9-11, 2018. They were joined by Faculty Advisor Jennifer Stauffer along with Officers and members of the Belleville Kiwanis Club, Patti Thomas, President, Al Thomas, Treasurer, Gary Heath, and Susan Grimmer.

This was an action-packed weekend filled with speeches from leaders throughout the USA, training sessions, caucus and council meetings, as well as District orders of business. Even when the attendees were having fun they were working by spending time networking and getting to meet new people who may one day become partners on service projects.

Bellville Kiwanis Club joins Key Clubs at Convention in Springfield

“It is a wonder to see the young and talented leaders of tomorrow embrace the challenges before them with strong character,” said Gary Heath, former District Governor for the Illinois and Eastern Iowa District. “I am most impressed at how they handle challenges with the highest degree of professionalism. Our future is in good hands.” added Al Thomas, Treasurer of the Belleville Kiwanis Club.

Incumbent Lt Governor for Divisions 31 34 Miss Sydney Stauffer pins her successor Miss Grace Roerick

The incumbent Lt. Governors for Divisions 31-34, Miss Sydney Stauffer and Miss Kim Haguewood passed the mantle to their successor Miss Grace Roerick. Sydney plans to continue her work with the Key Club further expanding her leadership talents. We wish her good fortune.

The Belleville West and the Governor French Academy Key Clubs won individual and club honors. These clubs with a combined membership of 63 active members came home with the following awards.


Oratory Award Winner Amber Curtis l with Faculty Advisor Jennifer Stauffer r



1st Place Oratorical Award
Amber Curtis, Belleville West

Distinguished President
Abril Hunter, Governor French Academy
Grace Roerick, Belleville West

Distinguished Vice President
Ayanna Steward, Governor French Academy
Gabby Holmes, Belleville West

Distinguished Secretary
Breanna Goyea, Governor French Academy

Distinguished Statistical Secretary
Breanna Goyea, Governor French Academy

Distinguished Treasurer
Courtney Smith, Governor French Academy

Distinguished Editor
Hannah Cason, Belleville West

Distinguished Senior
Sydney Dye, Governor French Academy

Distinguished Junior
Danyelle Scott, Belleville West

Distinguished Sophomore
Noah Phillips, Governor French Academy
Hannah Cason, Belleville West

Distinguished Freshman
Aidan Truckenbrod, Governor French Academy
Kayla Carver, Belleville West

100-Hour Honor
Abril Hunter, Governor French Academy
Aidan Truckenbrod, Governor French Academy
Breanna Goyea, Governor French Academy
Courtney Smith, Governor French Academy
Savannah Tiemann, Governor French Academy
Sydney Stauffer, Governor French Academy
Alexis Eagen, Belleville West
Brianna Moore, Belleville West
Gabby Holmes, Belleville West
Kyla Goleaner, Belleville West
Nicole Laflen, Belleville West

Belleville West
2nd Place Single Service Award
2nd Place Overall Achievement
Club Bulletin/Newsletter
Kiwanis Family Relations – SUPER
Public Relations
R.I.O.T Award
Early Bird Dues
On-Time 100% Reporting
100% Reporting

Governor French Academy
1st Place for money per member for Eliminate Project
Interclub Award
R.I.O.T Award
Early Bird Dues
On-Time 100% Reporting
100% Reporting