Kiwanis Feeds Families at the Ronald McDonald House in St. Louis

A stalwart group from the Belleville Kiwanis Club made the trek to the Park Avenue Ronald McDonald House in St. Louis to prepare meals for the families staying there. The Ronald McDonald House provides a comfortable place to stay for the families of seriously ill children being treated in nearby hospitals.
“The last thing these families need is to wonder where their next meal will come from. Their focus must be on helping their children through trying times,” says Pat

Jennifer Stauffer

Thomas, President. Nearly 40 people count on the services of the Ronald McDonald House at Park Avenue per day. Something as simple as a home cooked meal helps relieve the enormous stress these families and children endure.

Gary Heath and Al Thomas

The Kiwanis officers and members prepared burgers with the fixings and a few side dishes for dinner with leftovers waiting for those who couldn’t be there at mealtime. On this day, the Belleville Kiwanis Club stood by those courageous families as they walk through uncertain times. “We were there to lighten their burden for just a little while,” said Gary Heath, former District Governor.