Ever since first learning of the project known as Go Baby Go in late 2018, the members of the Belleville Kiwanis Club have been researching and planning to host a car build for children in the Belleville, Illinois area. Members visited a build in the Chicago area hosted by the Kiwanis Club of River Forest- Oak Park to observe and learn about the logistics of hosting a successful build.
Go Baby Go events consist of a group of volunteers custom modifying ride-on cars for kids with special physical challenges which impact their ability to be mobile like non-challenged kids. For these kids, the cars are more than playthings. They represent opportunities for improved mobility, increased socialization with non-challenged siblings & peers, and in some cases may even incorporate elements of physical therapy.
Planning for these events takes months as the car recipients are selected and their health care teams provide information regarding the sorts of modifications needed for the individual child. The considerations are numerous —does the child need additional support devices such as a 5 point harness to allow them to sit erect in the car? Does the child have limitations of feeling or use of their legs? Is a system needed to allow for proper transportation of IV bags? Planning also involves working with engineers to ensure the safety of the electronics and parts used for the modifications.
The 2019 Belleville build will provide cars to 5 children from the greater metropolitan area all with the diagnosis of Spina Bifida. Children will be coming from Belleville, Sparta, Highland, Wentzville, and Imperial to be fitted for their individual car and should leave the event with their cars. There is no cost to the families for these vehicles.
Go Baby Go was started at the University of Delaware with a mission focused on increasing mobility and quality of life solutions for children whose access to such may be limited during their early developmental years. It was intended to be an innovative movement for inclusiveness.
For more information about Go Baby Go Belleville 2019 contact the Belleville Illinois Kiwanis Club via the contact us button on our webpage, via belleville.il.kiwanis@gmail.com, or follow us on our Facebook page Belleville, Illinois Kiwanis Club. We will be sharing pics from the event and plans for similar future events.